
mission to support the mental health and well-being of BIPOC communities

40 Lessons in 4 Decades

  So, I’m getting ready to turn the big 4.0! I always imagined that I would feel some type of angst about turning 40, but now that it’s almost here (like a few weeks away), I feel the opposite. I’m grateful that I have been for 4 decades.  I’ve learned who I am...
mission to support the mental health and well-being of BIPOC communities

What Teachers Should Know About Kids With Anxiety

  Anxiety is something that is very difficult to understand, whether you’re an observer or it affects you directly. At times, it’s like a scary monster that seemingly comes out of nowhere.  Your heart races, your palms get sweaty, a lump develops in your throat...
mission to support the mental health and well-being of BIPOC communities

Redefining Vulnerability for Men

So, this is going to be kind of difficult because I hate vulnerability. Yet, I’m about to delve into the topic of men and vulnerability sparked by a post I saw a while back. I rarely cry. As a matter of fact, I hate crying. I am super emotional. But I rarely want to...
40 Lessons in 4 Decades

40 Lessons in 4 Decades

  So, I’m getting ready to turn the big 4.0! I always imagined that I would feel some type of angst about turning 40, but now that it’s almost here (like a few weeks away), I feel the opposite. I’m grateful that I have been for 4 decades.  I’ve learned who I am...

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What Teachers Should Know About Kids With Anxiety

What Teachers Should Know About Kids With Anxiety

  Anxiety is something that is very difficult to understand, whether you’re an observer or it affects you directly. At times, it’s like a scary monster that seemingly comes out of nowhere.  Your heart races, your palms get sweaty, a lump develops in your throat...

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Redefining Vulnerability for Men

Redefining Vulnerability for Men

So, this is going to be kind of difficult because I hate vulnerability. Yet, I’m about to delve into the topic of men and vulnerability sparked by a post I saw a while back. I rarely cry. As a matter of fact, I hate crying. I am super emotional. But I rarely want to...

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Why Representation Matters

Why Representation Matters

Let’s talk race. I am a Black man in America. I went to private schools from elementary school to high school and one semester of college. Something that I always noticed was this: there are a LOOOOTTTT of White people and almost no Black people. When I was younger,...

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Delicious Turkey Meatballs

Delicious Turkey Meatballs

I consider myself a pretty healthy eater, but I must admit sometimes it can get kind of boring. I feel like I eat the same things over and over and over again. So lately, I’ve been on a quest to expand my family’s healthy eating options. Last night I made these...

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Angela’s Fitness Journey and Tips

Angela’s Fitness Journey and Tips

How long have you been on your health and fitness journey and why did you get started? First, I would like to say hello and Happy New Year to all who visits this site! I’m very excited to be a part of your health and fitness journey and I hope my writings will...

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Dairy-Free Raspberry Granola Bars

Dairy-Free Raspberry Granola Bars

Because I know that what we eat largely contributes to how we feel, I have been on a quest to find healthy, but tasty food options for my family. After school snack options are the most challenging. Most of them are processed with too much sugar and not enough...

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The Benefits of Drinking Water

The Benefits of Drinking Water

Water, Ahhhh! Nothing can quench your thirst like a tall glass of ice cold water on a hot summer day. Why is water so important for our body? I’m so glad you asked! So let’s discuss the benefits of drinking water! Our body is made up of about 75% water, which is the...

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Can’t Sleep? Don’t Worry About It

Can’t Sleep? Don’t Worry About It

About 6 months ago I called Dr. Nzinga Harrison. Side note: It’s so great to have a childhood friend who is a psychiatrist. I couldn’t sleep and whenever I’m wrestling with anxiety, insomnia or pretty much anything that I feel I can’t combat on my own, I call her for...

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